Friday, August 9, 2013

A comparative study of difficulty levels in Jamestown

Jamestown is a Shoot-em up based on the premise that the Spaniards and the British are fighting over Mars using all manner of Schizotech in the early 17th century. I will examine the difference between Normal, Divine, and Judgement difficulty levels. I will be skipping Difficult and Legendary which lie between Normal and Divine.


Nothing really shoots at you much. Bear in mind that this is the first level:

Even the heavier stuff isn't very active:

Divine gets a bit harder:

The little walker guys now shoot stuff.

and now we come to Judgement:

This is where things start to get hectic as everything that can shoot...will shoot.

And, just for fun, the green shots will go straight through your vaunt shields.

And there you have it, the general differences in output and firing patterns across 3 of the 5 difficulties of Jamestown. I hope this proves useful. Show those Spaniards who's boss.